AR Marketplace Meeting – Mobile World Congress

If you are attending Mobile World Congress in Barcelona in a few weeks then be sure to spend 5 minutes today registering for the Mobile AR Marketplace meeting which will take place on:
Qualified companies in the mobile AR ecosystem who seek to buy, sell, license or develop applications with platforms, technologies or content for mobile users are invited to participate in the first Mobile AR Marketplace.
This unique event will maximize new and deeper business discussions based on the position of companies in the mobile AR value chain and their statements to the meeting plenary.
Then our framework for interaction during a series of short meetings acts as a springboard to closing deals with new partners.
The Mobile AR Marketplace is designed to:
- Attract to one place at the same time the key buyers and sellers of
- AR platforms
- a variety of professional and infrastructure services
- core technology components,
- anyone with content for successful mobile AR experiences.
- Permit rapid identification of potential mobile AR business relationships among the marketplace participants,
- Accelerate the assessment of mutual compatibility and
- Enable the establishment of win-win business relationships.
Do you need to participate?
This is a meeting of pre-qualified business professionals representing companies with a clear position in the mobile AR ecosystem.
In order to determine if you should participate, to establish your position and to receive your no-cost participation kit, review these reasons to participate, check the criteria for participation and complete the registration form.
Getting started with mobile AR
The mobile AR Marketplace is not designed to serve the needs of those business professionals who are not already familiar with mobile AR.
Those seeking a rapid orientation to the opportunities and requirements of mobile AR are invited to visit this page and to follow links to third party resources on the Internet.
FAQ Most Frequently Asked Questions
Our replies to your most frequently asked questions are found on this page. If you have other topics which you wish to raise, or suggestions for improvements.
Is my phone AR enabled?
Why doesn’t ar work on my phone?
Why can’t I view 3D animals in my space?
- This happens because not all phones support Google’s ARCore which is required to see 3D animals in your space.
- First of all, you need to check if your phone supports Google ARCore.
- For this, go to apps in settings and check if the Google Play Services for AR app is installed on your phone or not.